Grunnklemmeholder, Fjærklemme, WKF4TKG/35

Varenummer: 121001004El-nummer: 1274773Leverandørens varenr.: 56.704.4055.0Typebetegnelse: WKFN 4 TKG/35

Komplett rekkeklemme system fra Wieland

Antall i enhet:100 Enhet:Stk


Sikring rekkeklemme med fjærkontakt tilkopling for montering på TS 35 , nominelt tverrsnitt 4 mm² , bredde 6 mm , farge grå

FASIS Spring clamp connection 0.13 through 35 mm² Standard DIN rail terminal blocks 1.5 through 35 mm² Duo terminal blocks 1.5 through 4 mm² Multi-tier blocks 1.5 through 4 mm² Function blocks 2.5 through 4 mm² Blocks with pluggable connection 2.5 mm² Initiator/actuator blocks 1.5 mm² Miniature blocks 2.5 mm² Terminal blocks for junction boxes 2.5 through 16 mm² fasis for TS 35 Clearly marking all termination points Flexible and universal connecting Jumpering the terminal blocks on two channels Measuring voltage with an integrated testing facility All Wieland Components which require CE general certification are CE certified, and identified with the CE logo Technical information The information regarding cross sectional area and connection types pertains to unprepared wires without ferrules. The voltage ratings apply to the terminals in their intended application. When different products are mounted adjacent to each other, the proper isolation distances must be adhered to. If the ground blocks of the taris product family are not used inblock assemblies, but are mounted to the rail as single terminal blocks, end clamps have to be used. A detailed description of technical data, the standards requirements, and the application conditions are available under facts & DATA. ATEX regulation For the use of DIN rail terminal blocks in Ex areas, the regulations of EN 50014 apply , whereas for increased safety EExe the regulations of EN 50019 must be followed. For an approximation of the laws of the EU member states, directive 94/9/EG was created, which is generally known as ATEX 100a and which is the basis for harmonization in this field. ATEX stands for ?atmosphere explosive? while 100a refers to the corresponding article of the EC contract. Directive ATEX 100a applies for protection against dust and gas explosions in all industrial Ex areas and in mining. The testing and certificating institutes named in directive ATEX100a must follow accreditation procedures which are the same all over Europe. In accordance with EN 50014/50019 and ATEX 100a, these certificating institutes write out EC certificates for prototype tests. These prototype test certificates for components together with the corresponding quality system certification of the supplier are required to obtain the so-called ATEX approval. In combination with the Ex mark, the markings of the Wieland terminal blocks have the following meaning: Ex Identification II Device group 2 Category G D Areas KEMA Name of testing institute ATEX...Certifcate, year of testing, number Mounting instructions for EEx e applications If feed-through blocks are mounted directly adjacent to feed-through blocks of a different size, or directly adjacent to ground blocks, the open side of a group of the same type of blocks has to be covered by a partition. If adjacent terminal blocks are jumpered by a cross connector,the required isolation distances have to be maintained by inserting a partition between the different block groups, in front of or behind the cross-connected terminal block group. If the terminal blocks are mixed with other certified series and sizes and if their accessories are used, the required creepage distances and clearances must be adhered to. The DIN rail terminal blocks must be installed in a housing that meets the requirements of an approved protection type according to EN 50 014 sec.1.2 or EN 50 289-1. The housings must have protection degree IP54 or higher depending on the protection type selected. DQS certificationfor all company sectors Quality standard as per DIN ISO 9001 in Development, Production and Assembly Continued control of the quality standard by means of regular internal and external quality audits Compatible with certificates of other countries: BSI Certificate Great Britain SQS Certificate, Switzerland Aib-Vincotte Certificate, Belgium ÔQS Certificate, Austria
